Heater power supplies
This compact, single case unit includes a DC power supply (compatible with RHEED techniques) and an integrated Eurotherm temperature controller. Load current information is displayed on the front panel of the case. Along with manual temperature control, the Eurotherm controller also includes a convenient autotuning facility. This characterises the heater module and enables set point temperatures to be maintained automatically and, crucially, achieved in the shortest time possible.
Compatibility information
The heater power supplies are compatible with K, C, N and E type thermocouples. They can also be provided with an interlock feature for integration into system control software (if required). UHV Design's heater power supplies are configured to match the specification of the MultiCentre or EpiCentre stage. Heater power supplies are also compatible with UHV Design's range of Heater Modules.
More information
Get in touch for part number information, availability or details of power supply and temperature controller packages over 3kW.
Key Features
- Cost-effective plug & play compatibility with EpiCentre and MultiCentre stages
- Provides optimised temperature control
- Compatible with RHEED analysis
- Compact unit

If you would like to discuss your project with our engineering team, please contact us.