MPPL - linear guided motion
Our MPPL series
Magnetically-coupled push pull (MPP) devices are ideally suited for high-duty process applications,. This is because they have high torque, high axial stiffness and zero thrust due to vacuum. The magnetically-coupled push pull range provides linear and linear/rotary motion solutions, with up to 300mm (12") stroke. Strong magnetic coupling eliminates the use of bellows and dynamic seals - often vulnerable to failure. This ensures a robust long-life design.
Unlike bellows-sealed devices, this range provides smooth motion in both directions - with zero thrust due to vacuum, Ranges provide linear motion (with free rotation of the shaft), guided linear motion (no rotation of the shaft) and linear and rotary motion (shaft rotation controlled by the thimble). Manual actuation is provided as standard, with motorised and pneumatic options available. Pneumatic actuation is ideal for high-duty, two-position applications, e.g. source or beam shutters.
If you would like to discuss your project with our engineering team, please contact us.